Fatal error: Cannot declare class App\Repository\ContractRepository, because the name is already in use in /home9/catalaogogov/public_html/producao/src/Repository/ConstructionRepository.php on line 20
Compile Error: Cannot declare class App\Repository\ContractRepository, because the name is already in use (500 Internal Server Error)

Symfony Exception


HTTP 500 Internal Server Error

Compile Error: Cannot declare class App\Repository\ContractRepository, because the name is already in use


Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Error\ FatalError

  1.  * @method Contract|null find($id, $lockMode = null, $lockVersion = null)
  2.  * @method Contract|null findOneBy(array $criteria, array $orderBy = null)
  3.  * @method Contract[]    findAll()
  4.  * @method Contract[]    findBy(array $criteria, array $orderBy = null, $limit = null, $offset = null)
  5.  */
  6. class ContractRepository extends DocumentRepository
  7. {
  8.     protected $_class Contract::class;
  9.     private PaginatorInterface $paginator;
  10.     private $limit_list;

Stack Trace

Compile Error: Cannot declare class App\Repository\ContractRepository, because the name is already in use

  at /home9/catalaogogov/public_html/producao/src/Repository/ConstructionRepository.php:20